Where Are They Now? — Lois Decker (Brown)

It has been so fun reading everyone's comments. I only wish there were more of them. So, I'm posting mine even though it won't be nearly as witty as other entries.

I'm Lois Decker (Brown) and I can hardly even remember high school. Seriously. Giving birth to four children has stripped me of most of my intelligence, which was already scarce to begin with. Oh well.

After high school I went to BYU (with a short stint at BYU-Hawaii) and I graduated in journalism. I had no idea my time at the good old "Provonian" newspaper would turn out to be more than just an excuse to have an easy class.

I worked for a summer in Washington DC as a newspaper correspondent and then I flew to France to serve an LDS mission. After my mission I couldn't figure out what else to do so I began a graduate program in communications research. A short while into my program I met and married McKay Brown from Kanab, Utah. I finished my masters, worked for a year in the corporate world, and then started having children. At that point I began to become an expert at diaper changing, bottle washing, and singing bedtime songs. I also started a freelance writing business, which later turned into a small corporation(basically I was the corporation) I ran from home. After my fourth child, I decided I really and truly had enough to keep me busy as a mom, and so my writing is in hibernation. I live in Utah Valley and have several former Bulldogs in my neighborhood including the photography/art teacher Lynn Poulter and French teacher Art Burnah.

Some of my favorite experiences from high school include sewing class with Mrs. Price and the "Make-it-with-wool" contest. Who thought up that name anyway? I also loved being in the plays Music Man, Seven Brides (where I got to kiss Robert Spencer), Macbeth, and a few others. One funny memory was on the last night of the Seven Brides play. The last scene involved the seven sisters kissing the seven brothers at their shotgun wedding. Well, I decided to put on a ton of lipstick and slather it with vaseline. I wanted to leave my mark. Robert made curtain call that night with red lipstick smeared all over his face.

I also loved running track in high school. Running is still my favorite form of exercise even though the physical therapist who works on my left knee keeps telling me I need to mix it up more. I am a miserable scrapbooker, I can't stand watching day time TV (except for an occasional rerun of Matlock), and I have put more dings into the family van than I care to admit. That about sums it up. I look forward to seeing everyone this summer.


yvonne lather said…
Lois it is so great to see you with your family. You have lead an exciting life! Hope to see you this summer.
Vicki said…
Lois, it was so fun to see you and talk to you last week. I wish we lived closer because I love getting your advise, input and just having a great friend around who is going through the very similar things.

I'm serious about meeting somewhere for a vacation. Let me know. Love, Vicki
Anonymous said…
I am 'blog stalking'. I graduated from PHS in 1990, I found your site through my boss at Nu Skin. His wife graduated from PHS in 88. You and your husband look so familiar. I am wondering if you live in Salem. I was recently in the Salem Stake Primary Presidency and I believe I met your husband in our Music Training last year. I could be totally wrong.
Anonymous said…
LOIS!! You don't happen to be driving an "itsy bitsy olla rolla yellow polka dot corolla" do you?? Aaah, the memories in that car--and at the track. You were my track soul SISTAH! I'm so glad that you're doing so well. YOur family is beautiful! And so are you!
Anonymous said…
Do you remember "accidentally" spiking my leg during track practice? I still have the scar and I named it after you. Your girls are adorable! I hope to see you this summer!
Unknown said…
It was so great to see you at dinner recently. This whole reunion thing has brought back a lot of memories but it goes beyond high school, especially when I see someone like you that I had been with since elementary. You should be so proud of all your accomplishements!
Koreen said…

Your family is so beautiful. I remember the lipstick incident and was jealous that you got to kiss Bob Spencer, I just had the biggest crush on him :). I am excited to see you in June!!
Anonymous said…

The only girl at Provo High I ever had a crush on, and you didn't even know it. Guess I should of been a little more serious instead of the class clown. Wow, you and the family look great.

I am glad to hear you are doing well. MArrying a man from Kanab is cool. I have great friends down there and get there often. Of all the girls at Provo High you were #1

Hope to see you at the reunion.

Tony Abbott
Anonymous said…

My long term memory is vague at best. I can't imagine I would ever start a fire in b-wing in front of the office :).

I seem to remember an article in the Provonian saying something about the B-WING BLAZER STRIKES AGAIN.

Guess we will never know who did it. I am just glad I could serve my fellow classmates.

Unknown said…
Hey Lois - Of course I remember Dr. Edenfield, how he used to rock back and forth on his heels with his hands in his pockets, jingling some change and pulling those tan polyester pants ever higher!! What was it he used to say? "...and things of that nature..."? Something like that. Anyway, thanks for the reminder, it made me laugh. See you tomorrow!
Anonymous said…
You should have been the sterling scholar & I should have been runner-up - I think you would have won!!
Can't wait to see you!
Erica Jarman Jenks
Anonymous said…
You should have been the sterling scholar & I should have been runner-up - I think you would have won!!
Can't wait to see you!
Erica Jarman Jenks
Anonymous said…
Hi Lois,
Thanks for the memory. It made me smile! Our days at Wasatch Elementary were great weren't they? You sure have a beautiful family! I look forward to seeing you at the reunion.
Anonymous said…
Great to see you last night. You look great as always. We must get together soon. nursenoel@msn.com
Anonymous said…
hey, how come we didn't bump into each other at dinner? You looked fabulous. I guess I'll just have to bump into you some other time.
B Spencer said…
Great to see you at the reunion, wish I had read this before or chatted with you longer. Your family looks great -- great picture. I thought a school play where you get to kiss the girl was brilliant, except for the rubber grapes you fed me which I couldn't spit out because I was on stage and supposed to sing. Little did I know until the reunion that Tony was envious. He may have the big manly physique, charasmatic charm, his own radio show, and a job that pays him to play, but he's never kissed Lois Decker ...Mwa-ha-ha!! (Hopefully I didn't scar your kids when I mentioned that I had once played your husband).

Take care.
Anonymous said…

You've always been a good friend--it was great to see you again. PHS grads that are also children of BYU physics professors should enjoy some special recognition and privileges, don't you think? We should form a society with Dan Knight in order to advance that agenda.

After the final event of the state track meet when I sank to the ground in despair over our narrow defeat, I remember you quickly offering some words of encouragement. I don't think I was in a mood to thank you for that then so let me say thank you now. Sorry it's 20 years late.

Best wishes to you and your family,


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